Child Alcohol Abuse: JB MDL Recognizes Month of the Military Child, Child Abuse Prevention Awareness

Child Alcohol Abuse in the News

JB MDL recognizes Month of the Military Child, Child Abuse Prevention Awareness
Filed under: child alcohol abuse

For this month, FAP is co-sponsoring two joint base walks to highlight Month of the Military Child, Child Abuse Prevention Month, Alcohol Abuse Awareness and Sexual Assault Awareness. If you observe any inappropriate behavior toward a child by an adult …


Study links military deployment with child alcohol, drug problems – Radio Iowa
Filed under: child alcohol abuse

A University of Iowa study finds children of deployed or recently-returned military parents are at a much higher risk of alcohol use, binge drinking and marijuana use than non-military families. U-I Psychiatry Professor Steve Arndt, director of the …


Kyrgyzstan must uphold its vows to protect children from sexual abuse, UN
Filed under: child alcohol abuse

26 April 2013 – Alcohol abuse and domestic violence, early and forced marriages and bride kidnappings are among the factors making children in Kyrgyzstan more vulnerable to sexual exploitation and forced labour, warned a United Nations independent …


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