Alcoholism: Where’s That Accent From?
Where’s that accent from?
Filed under: Alcoholism
Based on the same conversation I have every single day about my f**king accent. * What can I get for you? Can I get a…wait. Hold up. Where’s that accent from? Same place I’m from. Funny. Where’s that? Guess. Oooh. Okay. Australia? No. Do I sound Australian? I guess, a little. I don’t know. Just fore …
A 75-Year Harvard Study Finds What It Takes To Live A Happy Life
Filed under: Alcoholism
In June 2009, The Atlantic published a cover story on the Grant Study, one of the longest-running longitudinal studies of human development. The project, which began in 1938, has followed 268 Harvard undergraduate men for 75 years, measuring an astonishing range of psychological, anthropological, an …
April 25
Filed under: Alcoholism
Sober Thought of the Day “He dozed off, into a dreamless oblivion, for what seemed like seconds but was in fact hours, and awoke hungover, the inner surface of his skull pulsing like a single, giant nerve being chewed by some ruminant animal.” ? Alex Shakar, Luminarium Today’s Saint “It was pride th …
Charlie Chaplin
Filed under: Alcoholism
Charlie Chaplin CHARLIE CHAPLIN The most successful comedian of all time went by the name of Charlie Chaplin. It was said by some(prenominal) that Charlie Chaplin was the creator of comedy, epoch others considered him a genius. Charlie Chaplin could make people laugh even with no sound. And even tho …
Beer Tastes Intoxicating
Filed under: Alcoholism
As a college student reading an article about one of the most popular items on campus seemed intriguing, beer. The article beings by describing the study done that found by tasting one sip of beer, too little to cause intoxication could result in the brain’s release in dopamine which is the reward c …
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