Fighting Alcoholism: Hall's MMA Debut Awaits
Fighting Alcoholism in the News
Hall's MMA debut awaits
Filed under: fighting alcoholism
… has shed more than 100 pounds over the past two years, while patiently waiting his turn to fight. “The biggest reason I've been so motivated to do this is my kids. I've battled alcoholism and drug addiction, been a bad husband and bad father and …
Kabogo on mission to turn around Kiambu County's economy
Filed under: fighting alcoholism
Job creation, fighting insecurity, fighting alcoholism and initiating massive development projects are top on the list of the issues that Kabogo has pledged to prioritise. Due to its proximity to Nairobi and its high population, Kiambu County, which is …
NBA And Gambling Addiction !
Filed under: fighting alcoholism
In fact, as far as professional sports goes, an alcoholic and chemical dependent person can get multiple chances, whereas a gambler cannot. I have been fighting the injustice of how sports, society and the judicial system deal with compulsive gamblers …
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