Lyme Disease Symptoms Diagnosis: A Prime Climate for Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease Symptoms Diagnosis in the News
A Prime Climate for Lyme Disease
Filed under: lyme disease symptoms diagnosis
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Lyme disease is transmitted to people through bites from infected ticks. Initial symptoms can include headache, fatigue, rash and fever, and if untreated, the infection can begin to …
New Law Requires Disclosure Statement for Lyme Disease Testing
Filed under: lyme disease symptoms diagnosis
"If you've had a tick bite and you have one of these round red rashes, we typically go ahead and diagnose you with Lyme disease, just based on your clinical history and the fact that you have that rash. We don't rely on the lab tests," said Hall. There …
Chronic Lyme: Today's syphilis?
Filed under: lyme disease symptoms diagnosis
A Scandia mother whose son is hospitalized at the Anoka Mental Health Center, believes latent Lyme disease is causing his psychiatric symptoms. “Antibiotics, particularly Rocephin … My son believes it is Lyme. They tell us, 'you must accept your …
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