Alcoholism Support: Former US Presidential Candidate's Lady and the Battle With Alcoholism and

Alcoholism Support in the News

Former US presidential candidate's lady and the battle with alcoholism and
Filed under: alcoholism support

I said to my dad: “You have to come to a meeting with me and learn first-hand the privilege I have of being part of alcoholism anonymous because they help, they are a worldwide community. I have a niece who got help ten years ago and the place I was …


Dave Agema, Michigan Republican, Compares Gays, Lesbians To Alcoholics
Filed under: alcoholism support

… Watch Live with Tony Perkins" radio program, Right Wing Watch reported, Agema told Perkins, also the Family Research Council president, that he is merely trying to help gays and lesbians, much like helping a friend who is “dying of alcoholism …


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