The Effects of Alcoholism: Do You and Your Spouse Argue Over Drinking? How to Avoid Armageddon

The Effects Of Alcoholism in the News

Do You and Your Spouse Argue Over Drinking? How to Avoid Armageddon
Filed under: the effects of alcoholism

The greatest risk of living in the almost-alcoholic zone is that people may not "connect the dots" (or want to connect the dots) between their drinking behavior and its consequences, including its consequences on their relationships. Being an almost …


Drinking Too Much Makes You Stupid, But SoCal Researcher Has A Cure
Filed under: the effects of alcoholism

In research headed for publication in a summer edition of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, UC San Diego's Susan F. Tapert and Colorado grad student Hollis C. Karoly concluded that such exercise can reverse the ravaging effects …


DC 50 years ago: Baby Born Drunk; Ship “Mystery” cleared
Filed under: the effects of alcoholism

London, April 17: The case of a baby who was born drunk — and 12 hours later had a hangover — is reported by Dr Basil Merriman, an authority on alcoholism, in a letter to the “British Medical Jour-nal.” For two months before the baby was born its …


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