Helping an Alcoholic Friend: Jason Lake: Our House Was a Hotbed of Drugs and Orgies
Helping An Alcoholic Friend in the News
Jason Lake: Our house was a hotbed of drugs and orgies
Filed under: helping an alcoholic friend
He was overtaken by addiction and alcoholism and even made a drug-fuelled suicide attempt by jumping off a girlfriend's third-floor balcony. Now 43 he lives a quiet life on the Kent coast surrounded by a small group of friends. He attends regular …
The Master – Kino Pavasaris festival review
Filed under: helping an alcoholic friend
The others on the boat, mostly friends and family of the titular Master, follow him unquestioningly and the movie makes no attempts to prove the legitimacy of this regime to us. Instead, in an early scene, the strength of the hypnosis-like technique …
Saying goodbye.
Filed under: helping an alcoholic friend
Our friend he said, on dying so young, had an incomplete biography. It was our duty to remember … A friend of mine who went to the funeral of her ex alcoholic husband, told me cryptically "He got psalms, flowers and prayers". Not one word was said …
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