Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Abuse Costs Eau Claire Co. $160.4 Million
Alcohol abuse costs Eau Claire Co. 0.4 million
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (WEAU) — Drinking reportedly costs Eau Claire County more than 160-million dollars every year. It’s more than 17-million dollars in healthcare costs, and more than 115-million in lost productivity. Taxpayers are responsible for nearly 68-million dollars of that, which is a little less than half of the burden for alcohol use.
Fears that Cape Town liquor laws will ‘fuel illegal trade’
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Cape Town by-law banning liquor sales on Sundays and after 6pm on weekdays to come into effect at end of this month
Drug and Alcohol Abuse PSA
Dance 1A Galvin, 2* “A Day in the Life” P. Boosalis, D. Cistaro, G. Mohler, M. Reyes, K. Robbins Song used: Baauer – Harlem Shake.
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