Parents of Alcoholics: Does My Drinking Habit Have Anything to Do With Growing Up With an Alcoholic Father?
Question by Pebble Beach: Does my drinking habit have anything to do with growing up with an alcoholic father?
I never drink till the point of being hammered. But whenever I’m under some sort of stress & pressure, I resort to alcohol. Do you think my father’s history of alcoholism might have affected my behavior?
Whoever said I was blaming him? I’m curious about the psychology within family dynamics and whether or not there’s any correlation between past and present. If you cannot answer intellectually, well, there’s your problem.
Best answer:
No…nobody makes u pick up a habit but yourself…if you know u have a drinking problem then fix it. You are not an alcoholic though..because an alcoholic never relizes they have a drinking problem
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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