Panel on Alcoholism Among Elderly Explores Causes, Offers Support –

Panel on Alcoholism Among Elderly Explores Causes, Offers Support –
Filed under: Alcoholism

Panel on Alcoholism Among Elderly Explores Causes, Offers Support
That's what Max, 74, one of four panelists who spoke Thursday at the Enumclaw Senior Center about the issue of "Seniors and Sobriety," shared with about a dozen community members who wanted to learn more about the growing epidemic of alcoholism



Paul Gascoigne Gazza will be alone for two months of rehab at alcoholism … – Daily Mail
Filed under: Alcoholism

Daily Mail

Paul Gascoigne Gazza will be alone for two months of rehab at alcoholism
Daily Mail
Paul Gascoigne faces at least two months of rehab alone after leaving hospital in the USA. The ex-England midfielder was rushed to intensive care from the Cottonwood Clinic when doctors feared he could have suffered a major organ failure after having a

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Teenagers, Alcohol & Social Drinking – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar answers an often-asked question on teenagers, alcoholism and non-vegetarianism. Take pride in saying no to social drinking and embrace vegetarianism. When you stand your ground, the world honors it, recommends Sri Sri.


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