Episode 301- This Is It- Swine Flu!

Episode 301- This Is It- Swine Flu!

t’s been ANOTHER year since the last Jcartoonz video. After the failed comeback “Suicide” induced, Josh James is following the path Chris took. A downward spiral; full of chronic alcoholism and oneitis. And he can’t see a way out… things worsen when he get’s diagnosed with swine flu. Only one thing remains certain. Jcartoonz is BACK!


Garth George: Masters of sport can be slaves to a bottle
Filed under: chronic alcoholism

Faced with the reality of my chronic alcoholism, I was able at last to ask for help – from God and man – and received it willingly from both. And after 37 years of a whole new life provided by a commitment to total abstinence – a life I certainly did …


Doubts about mandatory rehab of problem drunks
Filed under: chronic alcoholism

"I don't think that mandatory rehab has high percentages of people who come out rehabilitated," he said. Mr Tollner says that while mandatory rehabilitation isn't likely to reform chronic alcoholics, the Government needs to get drunks off the streets …


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