Signs Alcoholic: Signs and Signals in Fast-Changing Drug Culture

Signs Alcoholic in the News

Signs and signals in fast-changing drug culture
Filed under: signs alcoholic

Galloway displayed items ranging from T-shirts to popular alcoholic canned drinks aimed at youth. He also showed slide after slide of baseball caps, T-shirts and other kinds of clothing that contain various drug-related logos and insignias. To most …


alcoholism and drug abuse in context of human freedom and societal need
Filed under: signs alcoholic

It is now fashionable to consume alcohol and drug particularly at festive occasions and social gatherings on the pretext that moderate consumption of these beverages will not cause any physical and psychological harm. First, it is difficult to remain …


Tri-county legislators push area laws
Filed under: signs alcoholic

Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, said he has concerns that the city of Montgomery is not following the local legislation that allows photo enforcement of running red lights using cameras, saying there are supposed to be signs informing motorists that they …


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