Worth the Trip: Episode 3 – Eating

Worth the Trip: Episode 3 – Eating

Worth the Trip is the first comprehensive video resource about the health, development and learning styles of children affected by fetal alcohol syndrome. The film presents strategies for meeting the developmental and behavioral challenges faced by children with FAS and the parents and professionals who care for them. Chapters address: – Sensory sensitivity – Eating and feeding – Activity levels – Sleep issues – Siblings – Friendships – Coming to terms with FAS – Impact of FAS on family life Worth the Trip was funded with a Small Business Innovative Research Award from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).


Pomona youth, adults raise alcohol awareness with Project Sticker Shock
Filed under: alcohol abuse and alcoholism

The Partnership for a Positive Pomona campaign is designed to let adults know it's illegal to provide alcoholic beverages to young people under the age of 21. The red, stop sign-shaped stickers have the message "Providing Alcohol to Minors – It's a …


Farmington police seeking to battle homelessness
Filed under: alcohol abuse and alcoholism

In addition, 44 percent stated in the police survey they had already attended a short-term substance abuse program 28 to 60 days long. However, 64 percent of those who had previously attended a short-term program still considered themselves an …


Police, Cambodian Group Advocate Against Teen Drinking
Filed under: alcohol abuse and alcoholism

An Alcoholic Beverage Control license is a responsibility — both community activists and police officials said they aren't looking to take them away, but those businesses better not be selling to minors. “We're telling them that we're not here to shut …


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