Alcohol Abuse Domestic Violence: Mothers and Infants Striving for Success (MISS, Inc.)

Mothers and Infants Striving for Success (MISS, Inc.)

A short segment from the City of Port St. Lucie’s government channel, PSL-TV20, about this worthwhile organization. The Mission of MISS is to provide a secure and nurturing environment for homeless women with children and to foster their development. Priority is given to homeless women over 18 years of age with children and with life-controlling problems such as poverty, illiteracy, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, victimization, and lacking the skills or adequate employment to support themselves and their children. The MISS housing project provides a home from six months to two years to these homeless women and their children. For more information, go to


McVicar's gay marriage crime rise claims rejected
Filed under: alcohol abuse domestic violence

Head of the victim's lobby group Garth McVicar submitted to Parliament that changing the law to allow same-sex marriage will be yet another erosion of basic morals and values in society which have led to an escalation of child abuse, domestic violence …


Montanans, protective of gun rights, closely watch federal debate
Filed under: alcohol abuse domestic violence

The dealer will have a prospective buyer fill out the federally required ATF Form 4473 – Firearms Transitional Record, according to Brad Begersdorf, Denver-based spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. It asks basic …


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