Signs of Becoming an Alcoholic: Methamphetamine Use Tied to Psychosis
Signs Of Becoming An Alcoholic in the News
Methamphetamine use tied to psychosis
Filed under: signs of becoming an alcoholic
Rebecca McKetin, PhD, of the Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Well-being at Australian National University in Canberra, and colleagues examined the probability of psychotic symptoms occurring during periods of methamphetamine use in 278 …
High school examines policy
Filed under: signs of becoming an alcoholic
Students have to sign a waiver that they understand the alcohol/drug policy prior to participation in extracurricular activities, it was reported. Jackson, president of the Student Council, said, “I have no problem with this policy. I like the three …
Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed: Be aware of symptoms and treatment
Filed under: signs of becoming an alcoholic
It is very useful to learn about triggers and warning signs signaling a shift into depression or mania. For example, excess stimulation such as parties, alcohol, drugs, stressful family situations and most importantly lack of sleep can trigger a swing …
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