Symptoms and Causes of Depression: Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression

Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression

According to Wikipedia, people with borderline personality disorder have a high rate of co-occuring mood disorders. In this video, More Than Borderline’s Becky Oberg discusses the symptoms and causes of depression.


Why Doctors Can`t Make You Well
Filed under: symptoms and causes of depression

To quote once more, ". . . schizophrenia now appears to be a complex outcome of many unrelated causes—the genes you inherit, but also whether your mother fell ill during her pregnancy, whether you got beaten up as a child or were stressed as an …


Bullying: A Pain in the Brain
Filed under: symptoms and causes of depression

… PTSD symptoms, including a cortisol spike. Kids who are bullied are more likely to suffer anger or depression, both of which are associated with increased cortisol. It's interrelated — bullying causes a cortisol flood, high cortisol is associated …


What is bipolar disorder?
Filed under: symptoms and causes of depression

Like depression, mania symptoms also affect both mood and behavior. Symptoms include feelings of extreme elation shifted with feelings of extreme irritation or anxiety. Mania can cause lost focus, unrealistic thoughts and irrational, impulsive behavior.


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