Peru's Mysterious 'Lot Fitzcarrald' Threatens Uncontacted Tribes
Stages Of Alcoholism in the News
Peru's Mysterious 'Lot Fitzcarrald' Threatens Uncontacted Tribes
Filed under: stages of alcoholism
Peru is set to embark on a major expansion of gas operations in the Camisea region in the Amazon – a move which could decimate Indigenous peoples, both those in 'voluntary isolation' and others in the early stages of contact. David Hill reports …
Cancer in Mongolia
Filed under: stages of alcoholism
Mongolia is suffering from a liver cancer mortality rate that tops the world which is six times the global average and the numbers are increasing due to excessive alcohol use. Cancer begins in …. Since Mongolians in the median income group cannot …
As Genetic Data Increase, How Will Courts Respond?
Filed under: stages of alcoholism
The A1/A1 version is associated with higher levels of victimization, alcoholism, pathological gambling, and possibly violence, while the A1/A2 variant is associated with a higher risk for delinquency. Finally, the long-running Dunedin (New Zealand …
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