Adasuve Inhalant Approved for Agitation in Bipolar, Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Physical Symptoms in the News

Adasuve Inhalant Approved for Agitation in Bipolar, Schizophrenia
Filed under: schizophrenia physical symptoms

Agitation episodes may escalate unpredictably and, in some cases, necessitate chemical or physical restraint to relieve the individual's distress and to protect care providers and others in close proximity. Rapid, effective and safe intervention is key …


We Need to Talk About Mental Health
Filed under: schizophrenia physical symptoms

However, these visits are primarily concerned with physical well-being. If an eye exam is a standard component of a check-up, why can't a … If parents aren't aware of symptoms, how can they readily detect them and prevent their consequences? Let us …


Lahore's Dar-ul-Sukun, now an institute of torture and abuse
Filed under: schizophrenia physical symptoms

Now, 23 years later, she has started to exhibit symptoms of schizophrenia, which is a severe form of mental disturbance. Disgruntled by this state of affairs, whenever we raised our voices, we were told that a lack of funds and resources was the main …


Rejection, bullying are risk factors among shooters
Filed under: schizophrenia physical symptoms

"The truth is that there are many people who have all the symptoms, and don't get the disease," said Jack Levin, professor of sociology and criminology at Northeastern University in Boston. "They may ….. Experts in criminology can point to various …


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