Help an Alcoholic: A Sober January Is Not Enough to Revive Your Liver

Help An Alcoholic in the News

A sober January is not enough to revive your liver
Filed under: help an alcoholic

But while it may help people save money and lose weight, liver experts warn that giving up alcohol for January is not enough to undo the long-term damage caused by regular drinking. Year-round action is needed to protect the liver from the effects of …


Help Me Howard: 7's Top 7 – Help Me Howard
Filed under: help an alcoholic

WSVN — Hello everybody I'm Patrick Fraser back for another year of Help Me Howard. Howard Finkelstein: "And I am Howard Finkelstein and we are glad to be back because we truly enjoying helping you." This past year created a lot of headaches for a lot …


Offset your hangover
Filed under: help an alcoholic

High-fat foods can only help someone not get drunk as quickly. The most important tip in preventing hangovers, according to experts, is drinking enough water. "And don't just quench your thirst with alcoholic drinks," urges Keller. You should always …


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