Should I Go to Alcoholics Anonymous?

Question by Hillylill: Should I go to Alcoholics Anonymous?
I would really appreciate some advice about this. I’m weird about drinking, but I don’t know if it’s serious enough for me to try to get some help or something. Both my parents are alcoholics and most of my uncles and siblings are as well. I’ve been drinking for the past four years (I’m 20). I don’t drink often (maybe every three weeks), but when I do I binge drink…a lot…and then feel really guilty about it the next day (no, not because of hangovers). I drink this way because I try really hard to stay sober, but then I just can’t handle it anymore, tell myself I’ll just have one drink, and then I figure “Screw it– I had one drink so I might as well have two!” and then I can’t stop. I drink when I’m alone more often than with other people. I hoard alcohol–the ends of drinks I find around I collect in little bottles and keep. I think about drinking and have cravings all the time. Usually my first reaction to anything that happens (good or bad) is “I really need a drink right now.” I’ve tried not forcing myself to try to stay sober (because I’ve considered that by attempting to restrict myself so much I’ve made myself think even more about alcohol). The result of that strategy is that I’m pretty much drunk most of the time, so I try to stay sober. I know I’m not an alcoholic because I’m not physically addicted (perhaps psychologically…maybe), but I would like some help with trying to stop drinking. Should I go to AA? Is there something else I can do? If you have any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much for your time and I hope you have a good 2009.

Best answer:

Answer by jkyongi
Try AA if you want, but keep in mind that it’s a religious cult and they think they know it all. Take everything they say with a grain of salt.

I tried AA. The one good thing I got out of it was I figured out I could go to sleep sober. That was great. Beyond that it was just some crazy religious cult.

I was a complete, total alcoholic for eleven years. I had hallucinations, got arrested and even crapped on the floor when I had the shakes so bad I couldn’t even crawl to the toilet. I sometimes left AA meetings early to get a drink. My problem came on suddenly and went away just as suddenly. I never heard of anything like that happening, but it did.

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