HIV and Smoking May Be a Deadly Combination

Diseases Caused By Alcohol Abuse in the News

HIV and Smoking May Be a Deadly Combination
Filed under: diseases caused by alcohol abuse

Marie Helleberg, MD, from the Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej, Copenhagen, Denmark, and colleagues assessed mortality attributed to smoking both among 2921 patients with HIV who were older than 16 years at diagnosis …


'Tis the season for 'Christmas coronaries,' heart doctor warns
Filed under: diseases caused by alcohol abuse

Heart disease is the second leading killer of Canadians, behind cancer. … Alcohol can cause atrial fibrillation, where the heart's upper chambers, instead of beating rhythmically, quiver rapidly, sometimes at a rate of between 300 and 600 times per …


Allergic Woman Can Down Guinness But Not…
Filed under: diseases caused by alcohol abuse

Alcohol allergies are possible at any age, but they are not common, affecting less than 5 percent of all people who suffer from food allergies, according to Dr. Clifford Bassett, clinical assistant professor in the division of infectious disease and …


Jennifer Wheary: Bringing light into the darkest times
Filed under: diseases caused by alcohol abuse

The holiday season, even in the best of times, brings higher rates of depression, increased alcohol and drug use, more intense experiences of grief and sadness, and a greater likelihood of medical emergencies. And these are … A review of research …


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