Signs of Drinking Problems: Does Drinking Lemon Water Help Clear Up Acne?
Question by EINSTEINETTE: Does drinking lemon water help clear up acne?
just wondering, since it supposedly detoxifies your kidneys and such… ?
Best answer:
Answer by Tom C
Lemon is an anti-oxidant. It can’t hurt.
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Hélène Campbell
Filed under: signs of drinking problems
On a cruise with her family one time and knowing her drinking wasn't in keeping with the values she was raised with, she kept the issue at bay by paying for her drinks on her own credit card. “I saw myself getting really attached to …. To me, it was …
2 pieces of Monroe history being restored
Filed under: signs of drinking problems
The fountains, which replaced four hand-dug artesian wells, represented the first source of sanitary drinking fountain water anywhere in Union County. Decades passed, and the fountains eventually disappeared. Until now. Union County is spending $ 19,500 …
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