Its Not Really a Question ” Its Long” but I Need to Get My Emotions Out Before I Exploded?
Question by mommy to a beautiful baby boy: its not really a question ” its long” but i need to get my emotions out before i exploded?
hi everyone, im not really hear to ask a question today, im hear because i need some help and advice on how to handle things. I quess its a question. hehe:-D Well for starters im 19 years old, i have a child of my own, also 6 younger siblings, i still live at home with my mother, all my problems and depression is in my home life. this is why i tell you this. i will try to make this as breif as possible and im sorry if its long. also expressing my emotions helps and this is the best way i can fo i have noone to talk to and noone to go to. so this is a mix of needing someone to talk to help, advice, and exspressing myself. so please no rude comments on how long this and that please just let me do my thing… im going to start from the beging of whats bothering me i hope it doesnt get jumbled all up..
My mother met a man a few months back in mid june i would say… lets call him “tim” well time seem like a great person in the begging! guuess what hes not! his children even hate him. well after a couple months my mother supposably fell in love with him.”GUESS ITS POSSIBLE.” not sure but then we moved in with him across the street. might i add my mother owns her own home! they planned on selling his and renting out our home and using that money plus what he got off his home to buy a house together. well TIM is a alcoholic “my mom was when i was a younger child” and since they have met its none stop drinking.. they drink every week monday- drink tuesday-skip wed-drink.. you probably get the point but in the mean time monday-she leaves with him all day long “me stuck at home with kids that arnt in school added with mine” mom gone with him and if not gone in her room or just constantly with him touching kissing ect. comes home 2pm starts drinking or sometimes 4 pm after dinner “me getting kids dinner homework done baths and loving then to bed, her driving four wheeler drunk drinking driving getting stranded in another city. and im the one to the rescue.tuesday-she leaves all day or with him 3 om gets dinner ready helps kids do homework baths ect but hes around constantly touching kissin ect with her puts kids to bed no loving pretty much towards anyone. and the list goes on during the week pretty much the same. see i dont have a life at all im either watching her children or what not or just with my babies father because i cant find a baby sitter cause my mother wont watch him at all because shes always with TIM. i personaly find that wrong.. i do alot for her even though throughout my life she has done more then i have but i see it as you scratch my back ill scratch yours. but really im the one doing all the scratching.. she never has time for me and she knows it hurts me, she knows it hurts she drinks but she still does it. “she used to be my best friend my only true friend really” and now its gone.. i have treated her poorly and i know she deserves her happyness but cant i still fit in somewhere.. and why wont she give up this habbit of drinking if she knows it hurts all of us.. she says she is not a alcoloic but yet she tells me she knows they need to quit drinking but it doesnt stop her. why? okay sorry… back to my story now.. but not but like a month after we move in they fight he kicks us out they get back together we move back in okay one fight is acceptable everyone fights.. the next month same thing fight kicks us out move back in.. the next month same thing and then the next and now this month kick us out we had to kick our renters out got back into our house but this time it went rather far with fighting i hit him cause of call my famliy and son a bunch of stuff and so on he grabbed me by throat choked me. but now they back together but we dont live with him. but my moms and my relationship is absoluty fallin into more peices. ” 2 weeks ago” me n her got into a fight.. argument because they got drunk went and beat up a guy and he was pressing charges on Tim and my mom wanted me to go talk to the guy see what i could do. it irritated me and she said cant you do something for me for once, i was going to do it but i showed i was angry like crazy and i let it show. she then said that TIM should have pressed charges against her own daughter she wishes he would have. then she pushes me around as i was one of her friends and taggles me to the ground by hair and pushing in hopes i would get up and fight back she told me to fight back. but i would not. then she said well call the cops of me you piece of s hit do it bi tch i said why would i ever do that she said because your a bi tch and because your so easy to do it with TIM. well she said she wanted me out of her house that she is going to have a life with Tim and i wasnt going to stop her that i was a piece of shit for trying to do so.. i have not tried to stop her from being with him i just want some time and the drinking to stop. thats all and tim always tells her im a bad child but i never drink im not on drugs i try my best at being a go
Best answer:
Answer by sweetgal45
it sounds like you have your handsful a couple of times , i am proud of you no fight back, especially when you have little ones around you ., if i were you i wouldn’t talk to her for a while , don’t help her out anymore , let her do what she wants . her boyfriend well get what he deserves she well realize it . trust me .
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