Council Moves Closer to Overhauling Liquor Laws

Alcoholic Services in the News

Council Moves Closer to Overhauling Liquor Laws
Filed under: alcoholic services

4, the council voted to push through the Omnibus Alcoholic Regulation Amendment Act of 2012 for consideration at a later date. If passed, the law will allow Sunday sales by certain retailers; allow full-service grocery stores to sell 64-ounce "growlers …


Cash Chugged, Sipped Away
Filed under: alcoholic services

Included in that steep sum is the cost of tuition, books, meal plans, residential life – and alcohol. The average college student spends $ 900 a year on alcohol, according to the Student Health Service from the University of Pennsylvania. Multiply that …


Dean Hutchinson reconvenes Alcohol Policy Advisory Committee
Filed under: alcoholic services

In response to the number of alcohol-related Rice Emergency Medical Services transports during Wiess College's Night of Decadence party, Dean of Undergraduates John Hutchinson said he would convene the Alcohol Policy Advisory Committee to …


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