How Does Adderall Abuse Affect Someone Who Is Depressed?

Question by snowy: How does adderall abuse affect someone who is depressed?
Will it cause them to be more withdrawn? Can they appear fine to some peolpe and be distant to others, like say those they used to be close to? What other symptoms can you tell me about? Thanks a lot!
But what about people not suffering from AD/HD. For example someone with AD/HD adderall decreases their hyperactivity but someone without AD/HD it acts as a stimulant. So does this have an affect on a depressed person.

Best answer:

Answer by michele
If a person without ADD/ADHD were to take adderall (depressed or not), the typical effect is anxiety, hyperactivity, pressured speech, difficulty sleeping etc (quite the opposite of being more withdrawn or distant).

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Alcohol Awareness Training – Training in Alcohol Awareness

Alcohol awareness training information at Now what is substance awareness training and what is actually involved? As reported by the Home Office, year after year, for the past 10 years straight, it turns out that just over half of all sixteen to twenty nine year olds have consumed drugs in the previous year. If you then look at health & safety executives stats together with facts obtained from the department of transport, it works out that more than 50 % of all road and industrial fatalities involved either drink, drugs or a combination of both. In fact for the past 10 years, every year even more men and women die due to drugs associated accidents than die from alcohol related accidents. That is why it’s so important that managers at work can know the indications and symptoms of misuse, know that substances have an impact on safety in different ways and create many different behaviour patterns. As a company, we provide specialist drug awareness training programs which means managers can understand the signs and symptoms of drug abuse, implement work place testing, understand all of the legal aspects and make sure that your work place is a safe and secure place to be. To learn more about drug awareness training go to http


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