Alcoholic Friend Help: Kildare Man Gets Life for 'Sad and Outrageous Death'
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Kildare man gets life for 'sad and outrageous death'
Filed under: alcoholic friend help
McDonald, who has been diagnosed with Alcohol Dependency Syndrome and Schitzoaffective Disorder by a clinical psychiatrist and had been prescribed anti-psychotic drugs at the age of 16, had previously been in a five-year relationship with Ms … Mr …
Generation sober: Four young women explain why they've turned their backs on …
Filed under: alcoholic friend help
A few weeks ago I emailed my friends in a panic. 'Help! I'm going on a date. What do I do?' My big dilemma? How to tell him I don't drink . . . I first gave up alcohol to help me train for the Liverpool half-marathon in February 2011. Immediately I …
HOPE Court helps people facing mental health, addiction problems
Filed under: alcoholic friend help
Sherry is also an alcoholic, a cocaine addict and has bipolar disorder, although she was unaware of the bipolar disorder until recently. Sherry, whose last name has been omitted to … Looming over HOPE Court clients from the bench, Muskingum County …
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