Flagstaff's Alcohol Problems Need More Local Options

Alcohol Abuse Programs in the News

Flagstaff's alcohol problems need more local options
Filed under: alcohol abuse programs

… for so-called "serial inebriates" arrested repeatedly for petty street crimes related to their addiction. The idea is that extended jail stays of three or four months will lower the crime rate by getting them off the streets and expose them to the …


Study concludes SD 24/7 Sobriety Program works
Filed under: alcohol abuse programs

The study of the first six years done by the RAND Corp. and funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is the first to look at results of the program that has since spread to North Dakota and Montana. "The results suggest that …


Florida Alcohol Abuse Program | replacing needs with alcoho

floridaalcoholrehabcenter.com Florida Alcohol Abuse Program Counselor Dr. Michele answers the question “What needs am I trying to replace with alcohol? in her FREE video series about Florida alcohol abuse programs.


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