Alcohol Abuse Slogans: Program Urges Responsibility for Young Sailors Away From Home

Alcohol Abuse Slogans in the News

Program urges responsibility for young sailors away from home
Filed under: alcohol abuse slogans

That slogan stands for no drinking alcohol on duty, none while driving, a limit of one drink per hour and no more than three in an evening. … “It requires the de-glamourization of alcohol and substance abuse, where you have the 'drunken sailor …


Students share anti-drug message for Red Ribbon Week
Filed under: alcohol abuse slogans

MARIETTA – From posters to proclamations and from carnivals to clothing, a variety of activities will be used to drive home the message of avoiding alcohol and drug abuse to local students during Red Ribbon Week. The annual program, started and …


Resident thanks Take Back the Night Rally participants
Filed under: alcohol abuse slogans

WIU hosted the 23rd annual Take Back the Night Rally on Oct. 18. The slogan for this year's rally was "Speak up, Speak out, speak now!" Last year I spoke at the survivor speak out portion of the … I got to speak at Sherman Hall about how abuse and …


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