'Pre-Gaming' Risky for Young Adults
Research On Alcohol Abuse in the News
'Pre-Gaming' Risky for Young Adults
Filed under: research on alcohol abuse
Young adults who engage in pre-drinking, also called pre-gaming, are more likely to drink heavily over the course of an evening than those who don't pre-drink, a new study from Switzerland suggests. Pre-drinking involves drinking alcohol at home or in …
Alcoholic men can't feel your pain. Here's why
Filed under: research on alcohol abuse
And that's true even when he's sober, a new study suggests. Scientists suspect that chronic heavy drinking damages parts of the brain that are crucial to decoding others' emotions and to processing humor, especially irony. “Chronic alcohol abuse seems …
Environment Can Have More Influence than Genes for Teen Alcohol Problems
Filed under: research on alcohol abuse
Those who begin drinking prior to age 14 are more likely to develop a serious problem with alcohol later in life, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). "Consuming alcohol during adolescence … "This research has …
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