What Are the Signs of an Alcoholic: Eastland Passes Beer/wine Sales by Two Votes
What Are The Signs Of An Alcoholic in the News
Eastland passes beer/wine sales by two votes
Filed under: what are the signs of an alcoholic
Email this to a friend. Eric J. Shelton/Reporter-News Eastland resident Weldon Hutchinson, 77, puts an unwanted pro-alcohol sales sign in the trash Wednesday afternoon. Although Weldon voted against the proposition, two signs were placed in his front …
Lancaster County, S.C. voters to decide on alcohol referendum
Filed under: what are the signs of an alcoholic
Campaign signs promoting Sunday alcohol sales don't use the word “Sunday” or “alcohol.” To the Rev. Scott Robinson of Crestview Baptist Church that's deliberately misleading. "The signs say 'Vote yes — Citizens and Business for Lancaster County.
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