Recovered Alcoholic Retires From Diocese After Helping Others Find Strength in … – Dallas Morning News

Recovered alcoholic retires from diocese after helping others find strength in … – Dallas Morning News
Filed under: Alcoholism

Dallas Morning News

Recovered alcoholic retires from diocese after helping others find strength in
Dallas Morning News
Phil Paschke, with wife Marty and dog Jazz, is retiring as the coordinator of alcoholism ministry for the Diocese of Dallas after 28 years. A recovering alcoholic himself, Paschke says, “I made a lot of people sad in my life. I'm trying to make up for



Judge Simms opens up about his alcoholism, family, traffic stop – Macon Telegraph (blog)
Filed under: Alcoholism

Macon Telegraph (blog)

Judge Simms opens up about his alcoholism, family, traffic stop
Macon Telegraph (blog)
When Howard Simms slips on his black judge's robe Monday, for the first time in six weeks, it will be as a man who has owned up to his flaws. He took his last drink of alcohol Sept. 24. It was a Monday, two days after being stopped at a license

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‘Flight’ avoids the turbulence, lands safely on Washington’s acting skills – The Breeze
Filed under: Alcoholism

New Yorker

'Flight' avoids the turbulence, lands safely on Washington's acting skills
The Breeze
“Flight” is a complete turn around dealing with adult themes of drug addiction, alcoholism, denial and self-destruction. The film's success rests on Washington's shoulders, and he rises to the challenge. Whitaker is a substantial role and “Flight
Film Review: Flight, from director Robert ZemeckisLive Trading News
Film Review: Denzel Washington's powerful performance saves "Flight" from clichéWestern Herald
Wilmington on Movies: FlightMovie City News
FleshEatingZipper –The Massachusetts Daily Collegian –New Yorker
all 31 news articles »



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