Medications for Alcohol Abuse: Military Should Update Its Strategy Against Substance Abuse

Medications For Alcohol Abuse in the News

Military should update its strategy against substance abuse
Filed under: medications for alcohol abuse

That's the conclusion of a new Institute of Medicine report released this week. It says that abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs among service members and their families is a “public health crisis” and contributes to the record rate of suicide …


Military Alcohol Abuse 'Culture' Is Now A 'Crisis,' Report Finds
Filed under: medications for alcohol abuse

WASHINGTON — Abusing alcohol and drugs has been part of military culture historically: troops do it for fun, to ease the stresses of war or to be part of the brotherhood. But a new report says substance use and misuse among troops and their families …


Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative Launches Awareness
Filed under: medications for alcohol abuse

19, 2012 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative of The Council on Alcohol and Drugs, funded by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) is pleased to …


Edgy play about addiction part of HH's modern approach to drug education
Filed under: medications for alcohol abuse

This 70-minute realistic story of addiction is presented by the district's drug and alcohol awareness program, Be a Part of the Conversation, as well as the Hatboro-Horsham Educational Foundation. More Information. For more information or to get …


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