Protein Linked to Hunger Also Implicated in Alcoholism

Protein linked to hunger also implicated in alcoholism
Filed under: Alcoholism

Researchers have found new links between a protein that controls our urge to eat and brain cells involved in the development of alcoholism. The discovery points to new possibilities for designing drugs to treat alcoholism and other addictions.


Abstinence from alcohol plus physical exercise can help reclaim bone loss due to alcoholism
Filed under: Alcoholism

( Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research ) Alcoholism is known to cause osteoporosis, or reduced bone mineral density (BMD). New findings indicate that as little as eight weeks of abstinence can initiate correction of an imbalance between bone formation and resorption due to alcohol's toxic effects. Physical activity can also serve as a protective factor against reduced BMD.


Confessions Of An Alcoholic

Get SILLY!!! Silly stringed that is!


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