Alcoholism: Protein Linked to Hunger Also Implicated in Alcoholism – Bioscience Technology

Protein Linked to Hunger Also Implicated in Alcoholism – Bioscience Technology
Filed under: Alcoholism

Protein Linked to Hunger Also Implicated in Alcoholism
Bioscience Technology
Excessive alcohol use and alcoholism cause approximately 4 percent of deaths globally each year. In the United States, that translates to 79,000 deaths annually and $ 224 billion in healthcare and other economic costs, according to a 2011 report by the

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If alcoholism really is accepted as a disease, rather than a weakness of will … – Daily Mail (blog)
Filed under: Alcoholism

If alcoholism really is accepted as a disease, rather than a weakness of will
Daily Mail (blog)
They may well be alcoholic and the one thing that alcoholics cannot do is to drink sensibly. The first drink in any day triggers the craving for the next. They need the support of Alcoholics Anonymous to enable them to be totally abstinent and



Guilt With the First Pour: How Is Your Relationship With Alcohol? – Huffington Post
Filed under: Alcoholism

Guilt With the First Pour: How Is Your Relationship With Alcohol?
Huffington Post
When I faced my alcoholism my daughters were 4 and 6 years old. I'd been a high-functioning alcoholic for years, managing to keep up a career and my roles as mother and wife. I didn't hide booze, didn't drink during the day but ultimately my weekend



Abstinence from alcohol plus physical exercise can help reclaim bone loss due … – Medical Xpress
Filed under: Alcoholism

Abstinence from alcohol plus physical exercise can help reclaim bone loss due
Medical Xpress
Alcoholism is known to cause osteoporosis, or reduced bone mineral density (BMD). New findings indicate that as little as eight weeks of abstinence can initiate correction of an imbalance between bone formation and resorption due to alcohol's toxic
Quitting Drinking May Help Alcoholics' Bone LossDoctors Lounge

all 3 news articles »



Documentary on Alcoholism

Student-produced documentary on alcoholism


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