Signs of Alcoholism

One of the hardest things to do is to recognize that you have a drinking problem, which may be a result of denial, pride, or even the fact that your dependence may have already clouded your judgment. Unfortunately, not being able to recognize that you have a problem can have very negative effects, which includes losing your life as some of the physical effects of alcoholism have proven to be fatal. However, answering the question on whether you have a drinking problem can be made simple as long as you are able to recognize if you exhibit some of the warning signs characterize alcoholism.

Signs of being an alcoholic

Studies have shown that there are some warning signs that you should look out for if you think that you may have a drinking problem. Some of these include finding yourself drinking alone most of the time and when you find yourself always making or finding excuses to drink. Other warning signs include feeling the need to drink to be functional and an inability to stop or reduce your alcohol intake. Violent episodes related to drinking and being angry when you are confronted about your drinking are also warning signs of alcoholism.

Other signs also include finding yourself drinking secretly, having poor eating habits, failing to care for your physical appearance and frequent trembling in the morning. However, if you consider yourself a “problem drinker, ” which means that you only drink to cope with your problems, you should be careful when the situation is reversed. This reversal means that it would be drinking that causes the problems at your work, and your relationships suffer the more you become addicted.

Accepting that you have a drinking problem can be very challenging because being an alcoholic does not make you the best judge to determine whether you have a problem. This is because alcohol dependence can cloud your judgment. However, having knowledge of the warning signs of alcoholism can help you detect if you indeed have a drinking problem. Once you have recognized that you exhibit most of these warning signs, it would then be a good idea to ask for professional help that can help you overcome the disease before the disease becomes more chronic. Fortunately, help is readily available, as there is large number rehabilitation centers, and support groups such as AA that you can access to help you overcome your alcoholism.

Alcoholism provides detailed information on Alcoholism, Alcoholism Treatments, Signs Of Alcoholism, Effects Of Alcoholism and more. Alcoholism is affiliated with Drug and Alcohol Abuse.

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Sure sings you might be an alcoholic….

…ordering 5 “Old Fashioneds” for lunch, then ceremoniously slurping them all down, may be a pretty good sign to consider the possibility that you’re an alcoholic!


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