Why Don’t They Use Anti-Histamines in Epinephrine Syringes? (EpiPens)?
Question by : Why don’t they use anti-histamines in epinephrine syringes? (EpiPens)?
Aren’t antihistamines basically THE drug to reverse allergic reactions? I understand epinephrine helps to open up the lungs and has beneficial vascular effects during Anaphylaxis, but shouldn’t anti-histamines be added to actually stop the allergic reaction, not just treat the symptoms?
Maybe go with something like a 3/4 epinephrine and 1/4 antihistamine ratio in each shot.. Why not? And I also think low dose epipens should be available OTC.
Just think, all the people who never knew they had a food allergy, and died of anaphylaxis, might have had there life saved if it was common for everyone to have a epi-pen in there medicine cabinet due to easy access.
I know people say everyone will “abuse” the epinephrine, but to my understanding, its not a pleasant feeling. I would think drug users would go after pleasurable drugs, like alcohol, cannabis, opiates, benzos, etc. And not be going after a nasty synthetic adrenaline rush.
I imagine the huge benefits of having OTC low-dose epipens would greatly outweigh the small amounts of people who might try them recreationally.
Besides, do you know how many people abuse DXM here? That **** causes serious issues, yet you can buy it OTC, no ones complaining about that. Yet, DXM has such a trivial stupid use, its not like its saving lives. Like OTC epipens would.
Best answer:
Answer by Pharmjust
Here are the uses for systemic antihistamines:
Antihistamines are most often used to provide symptomatic relief of allergic symptoms caused by histamine release. The drugs are not curative and merely provide palliative therapy. Antihistamines are used only as adjunctive therapy to epinephrine and other standard measures in the treatment of anaphylactic reactions and laryngeal edema after the acute manifestations have been controlled. Individual patients vary in their response to antihistamines. A specific antihistamine that provides dramatic relief without adverse effects to one patient may produce intolerable adverse effects in another patient. Trial of various antihistamines may be necessary to determine which drug will provide relief while causing minimal adverse effects.
Different people react differently and there are different histamine receptors that may actually make the allergic reaction more dangerous.
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