Alcoholism Disease: Why Does Thinking of My Obesity as a “disease” Help Keep Me Motivated to Lose Weight?
Question by Original_Syn: Why does thinking of my obesity as a “disease” help keep me motivated to lose weight?
I’ve always been a yo yo dieter who struggles to stick to any diet or plan for “eating healthier”. I always have horrible cravings.
However, this week, I began to think of my obesity as a disease that I have to fight, kind of like diabetes, cancer or alcoholism. And for some reason, that has helped me a lot Every time I feel tempted to have a Big Mac, I start thinking, “Okay Lyn, that’s the disease talking. Fight it!” and it helps my cravings.
Whenever I don’t feel like eating vegetables, I think of it as a “treatment” (kinda like medication) and it helps me to want to eat them.
The reason I want to know the psychology behind this is because I want to do whatever I can to stay motivated. Normally, I make it a day tops before I’m back to my old sedetary lifestyle and overindulging in pizza, pasta, white flours, sweets, sugars and all the other “good” stuff that is so bad for you in excess.
I don’t know why this is working, but I want my mind to stay this way so I can overcome my weight problems.
this may have nothing to do with anything, but I find myself suddenly reading up on weight related things and watching documentaries about weight loss and reading blogs and watching video-blogs (vlogs) on youtube of people who are losing weight. I want to know more and more about weight loss, why we gain weight and basically how it all works. I’m even considering taking a nutrition class.
Best answer:
Answer by Morgaren
It’s not your fault when its a diesease, your just a victum fighting back.
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