Behavioral Test Shows Promise in Predicting Future Problems With Alcohol

Statistics Of Alcoholism in the News

Behavioral test shows promise in predicting future problems with alcohol
Filed under: statistics of alcoholism

(Medical Xpress)—By administering a simple behavioral test, Yale researchers were able to predict which mice would later exhibit alcoholism-related behaviors such as the inability to stop seeking alcohol and a tendency to relapse, the scientists …


Drew tells Madison council its policies rise to on-campus alcohol issue
Filed under: statistics of alcoholism

According to statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1,825 college students between 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related injuries yearly. In addition, alcohol abuse by students is responsible for academic problems, health …


Alcohol, crime, and the government fiddling the figures
Filed under: statistics of alcoholism

Firstly let me confirm in 2007 the Office of National Statistics (ONS) produced an “Updated method of converting volumes to units.” The net effect was that “Overall, the proposed changes increase average weekly alcohol consumption in 2005 by 32 per …


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