Most Teens Surveyed Say Classmates Drink, Use Drugs on Campus – Los Angeles Times

Most teens surveyed say classmates drink, use drugs on campus – Los Angeles Times
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

CBS News

Most teens surveyed say classmates drink, use drugs on campus
Los Angeles Times
The 17thannual back-to-school survey by the National Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University shows that “tobacco, alcohol and drug use are pervasive and relentless fixtures in the teen world,” Joseph A. Califano, founder and
Survey: "Digital peer pressure" fueling drug, alcohol use in high school studentsCBS News
Many Teens Drinking, Taking Drugs During School: SurveyU.S. News & World Report
Almost 1 in 5 teens smokes or uses drugs at school, US students reportChristian Science Monitor
French Tribune –The Keene Sentinel
all 71 news articles »



Marriage-Alcohol Study Shows Wives Drink More Than Single Women – Huffington Post
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Deseret News

Marriage-Alcohol Study Shows Wives Drink More Than Single Women
Huffington Post
The study, being presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in Denver, Colo., also reveals divorced men are at particularly high risk of alcohol abuse. Researchers have in the past investigated differences in drinking
Study shows wives drink more than single womenGMA News
Study looks at relationship between marriage, alcoholDeseret News
Researchers Study The Relationship Between Alcohol And MarriageRedOrbit

all 146 news articles »



New learning community targets drug, alcohol abuse – BG News
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

New learning community targets drug, alcohol abuse
BG News
That statistic, along with alcohol abuse, was why Terry Rentner and Scott Martin decided to start the Alcohol, Drugs and Higher Education learning community. Rentner, a professor and director of the School of Media and Communication, and Martin



Imaging study sheds new light on alcohol-related birth defects –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Imaging study sheds new light on alcohol-related birth defects
“We now know that maternal alcohol use is the leading known and preventable cause of birth defects and mental disability in the United States,” Sulik said. “Alcohol's effects can cause a range of cognitive, developmental and behavioral problems that

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Alcohol abuse wider issue: Hayne – Otago Daily Times
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Otago Daily Times

Alcohol abuse wider issue: Hayne
Otago Daily Times
University of Otago vice-chancellor Prof Harlene Hayne yesterday rejected any suggestion the university was contributing to alcohol abuse problems, saying excessive drinking was a society-wide problem. But whereas once most binge drinking was by male



Dj Shainth – Alcohol Abuse Promo Mix (Pura’s 18th Bday)

Download : Coming Soon It’s not a birthday track, but an 18th birthday track. Time for us to party hard.


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