Cause of Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Problem Poses Serious Threats to Health and Safety

All 14 million Americans suffering from an alcohol problem run the risk of developing the substance’s harmful effects over time. Although the effects of alcohol may vary depending on the severity of a person’s use, alcohol intake can still affect a person’s health and well-being.

The two most common physical illnesses an alcoholic can contract are liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis. Other sicknesses alcohol abusers can acquire are epilepsy, heart disease, dementia and polyneuropathy. Sexual dysfunction can also be caused by alcohol abuse. Similarly, years of alcohol abuse can also lead to different types of mental illnesses, and an alcoholic can suffer anxiety, psychiatric disorders and anxiety, especially during withdrawal.

Another most common consequence of long-term, heavy alcohol consumption is brain damage. Cognitive functioning, even mild-to-moderate drinking, can still be adversely affected. The social effects of alcohol abuse are also far-reaching. Just about half of the murders, suicides and accidental deaths in America are caused by alcohol abuse and almost 50% of highway fatalities are committed by drunk drivers.

Most of the people suffering from substance abuse use alcohol to cope with or gain temporary relief from their problems or stressful conditions. A person who has been suffering from an alcohol problem for years may think it is too late or it is a hopeless case to breakaway from its bondage. That is why it is important for a person who has taken the first step toward change, which is admitting that he is an alcoholic, to have a support group. There are also numerous help centers across the U.S. that can provide the needed emotional and professional assistance to a recovering alcoholic. offers relevant information about the symptoms and effects of having an alcohol problem. The site also provides information about how to deal with problems with alcohol. For more information, visit

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