Learn About Alcoholism: Alcoholism and HIV Infection Have Different Effects on Visuomotor Procedural

Learn About Alcoholism in the News

Alcoholism and HIV infection have different effects on visuomotor procedural
Filed under: learn about alcoholism

The different effects on memory processes by chronic alcoholism and HIV infection likely reflect the specific neuropathology associated with each condition: frontocerebellar dysfunction in alcoholism and frontostriatal dysfunction in HIV infection. A …


Alcohol is a social lubricant
Filed under: learn about alcoholism

The study also found that moderate consumption of alcohol can minimize negative emotions or at least reduce displays such as being silent in a group or making faces with wrinkled noses or pursed lips. How the study was done. In the study, published …


Heavy Drinking in Pregnancy Linked to Host of Problems in Children
Filed under: learn about alcoholism

MONDAY, July 23 (HealthDay News) — Central nervous system abnormalities are common among children whose mothers drink large amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, a small new study finds. Most children exposed to large amounts of alcohol while in …


Black teens drink less alcohol, but more impulsive, study says
Filed under: learn about alcoholism

A new study of Pennsylvania teens found racial differences in the personality traits that contribute to youth drinking. Previous research has already shown that black adolescents drink alcohol less often and drink less heavily than white adolescents …


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