More Signs That You May Be an Alcoholic
As most people know, alcoholism is a disease characterized by the person who has the affliction exhibiting hallmark behaviors such as being unable to control when they drink, how much they drink, how often they drink, and as any person with a serious drinking problem or alcoholic knows, drinking alcohol at the worst possible time.
This inability to control drinking is not deterred by the drinker realizing it can become a serious threat to his or her health, social status, and the possibility or certainty that excessive drinking can damage relationships with family and friends.
As to the causes of alcoholism, research is leaning towards alcohol addiction causes to include genetics, environmental factors, and psychological factors such as a propensity for depression can drive a drinker to dive headlong into alcohol dependence, since alcohol can relieve depression temporarily.
And just about anyone can become an alcoholic. A person of any age, sex, ethnic group, social class, or profession can become a victim. Alcoholics represent a cross-section of society that has no boundaries.
Here is a further list of the signs that illustrate that you may have gone from social drinking, to heavy drinking, and then to alcohol addiction:
– Using any excuse you can think of to drink.
– Lack of control over your drinking. Even if you are a weekend drinker or a binge drinker. You can’t guarantee the outcome once you get started.
– An obvious one. Excessive consumption of alcohol.
– Denying you have a drinking problem and insisting you can control your drinking even when it has become apparent you have lost control.
– In some cases, the drinker will develop a higher tolerance for alcohol, being able to drink a considerable volume before showing signs of drinking. The flip side of this coin is when you have been drinking heavily for a long time; you get drunk on one or two drinks. This is an indication that your liver isn’t functioning property and is unable to process the alcohol at an acceptable pace.
– Feeling defensive and annoyed if anyone criticizes your drinking, and you make every effort to minimize the situation or to “explain” it.
– Hiding alcohol in unusual places.
– Drinking first thing in the morning to stave the off sickness and shaking from a hangover.
– Being aggressive or abusive under the influence.
– Drinking alone.
– Missing work due to hangovers.
– More extreme mood swings.
– Skipping out and losing interest in what used to be your favorite social activities.
– Your physical appearance isn’t what it used to be – you start neglecting your appearance and your health, including diet.
– Blackouts and an overall impaired memory.
– Irritability and a darker outlook on life.
– Sleeping disorders.
– Anxiety.
– Simple situations are harder to evaluate – confusion.
– Abdominal bloating and facial bloating.
– After drinking for some time, capillaries in the face and nose appear, and bloodshot eyes can become a daily occurrence.
These symptoms will vary by individual. Alcoholism contrary to popular belief is not a weakness in your character or a sign of a moral deficiency on your part. It is a disease that is and has been for some time recognized by all of the medical communities. But still, unfortunately, not by the general public as yet.
If you have a drinking problem, you can find the help and very information you need here:
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The last days of a dying alcoholic
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
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