Alcohol Abuse: Speech: Alcohol Reform Bill – Rahui Katene

Alcohol Abuse: Speech: Alcohol Reform Bill – Rahui Katene
We do not have to look far to consider why this Alcohol Reform Bill is necessary. Just four days ago, while the eyes of the world were on us, spectators and members of the public acting under the haze of alcohol induced behavior, threatened to ruin …
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Alcohol Abuse: Marijuana soft drinks now available! Check this out

these are available to all medical marijuana patients in Colorado. Medical cannabis refers to the use of parts of the herb cannabis (also referred to as medical marijuana) as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy, or to synthetic forms of specific cannabinoids such as THC as a physician-recommended form of medicine.[citation needed] The Cannabis plant from which the cannabis drug is derived has a long history of medicinal use, with evidence dating back to 2737 BCE.[1] Industrialist pressure groups plying government with their interests , such as the replacement of nylon rope over hemp rope, lead to the criminalisation of cannabis in America in 1938.[2] Synthetic cannabinoids such as Marinol and Cesamet are available as prescription drugs in some countries. Studies have shown that medical cannabis has effects in the treatment of nausea, vomiting, premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, lack of appetite, spasticity, neurogenic pain, movement disorders, asthma, many types of cancer, glaucoma,[3] alcohol abuse,[4] bipolar disorder,[5] depression,[6] epilepsy,[7] Alzheimer’s disease,[8] inflammatory bowel disease, migraines, fibromyalgia,[9] collagen-induced arthritis,[10] and many others. It relieves some symptoms of multiple sclerosis,[11] AIDS, chemotherapy, and spinal cord injuries.[12] While the FDA has never reported deaths resulting directly from cannabis use,[13] the herb has been shown to increase incidents of lung cancer and COPD when smoked in
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Alcohol Abuse: INLAND: UCR study links alcohol sales, crime
I don't know anyone who would drink half a 24-ouncer and put it back in the refrigerator for later," said Amelia Lopez, health education specialist with the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention program at San Bernardino County's Department of Public
Read more on Press-Enterprise

Alcohol Abuse: Commissioners view community health data
Of substance abuse problems, the majority (23 percent) reported alcohol abuse as the biggest problem, with prescription drug abuse at 22 percent. An overwhelming 72 percent of survey takers said they preferred comprehensive sex education in schools to
Read more on Mount Airy News

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