Have You Ever Realized That Certain “friends” Were Fake?
Question by ?Ayita Zuleika Reyes?: Have you ever realized that certain “friends” were fake?
I just finished my freshman year in college and I used to hang out with these group of girls because we were all apart of a club at our school, they are the officers of the club and I just got voted in. But in the last couple of months these girls seem to be complete backstabbers, hypocrites, and two-faced. We were all talking about about sororities and we all said that we will never join one. But these liars, just joined the Deltas in April. I remember we had to plan a party and event for our school, they didn’t help me and my other two friends with the event. We had to do all the promoting, publicity and creating the music play-list by ourselves. They didn’t do a thing, they were suppose to ask permission to rent out the space for the party, hire a DJ and get the food, they didn’t do a damn thing. The party was horrible and our club has lost some creditability.
We’re always having these stupid conversations about race, men and religion and other stuff. They always think that there are right and people who are different than them are wrong. Me and my two friends are completely different from them. Especially me, I listen to all types of music, hang out with people from different cultures. They always need to point out that I’m different, and they are always asking about my “life choices”. They are always complaining about how there are “no good Black men” around and they criticize people for dating out of their race or culture like me. Most of us are African, Caribbean or Black American. They are the main ones who always talk about segregation on our campus, but they are fail to recruit more non-Black members to out club and they seem to have something against hanging out with other cultures and groups. They got mad at me when I invited some other students from outside of our club, who were non-Black to one of our meetings. I like to be friends with anyone and I want everyone to be included, I want people all races and religions to learn about African and Caribbean culture. That’s the goal of the club.
I started to hang around a different group of ppl, and I grew apart from them. This group of people is made up of mostly guys, and there are some girls.I invited them to hang out with us numerous times and they just have snubbed us.They like to talk about my friends when they aren’t around and I know they talk about me. They were all “worried” when I started going on hikes, trips, and to parties with this guys. They said that I’m putting myself in dangerous situations with men and that people are talking. LOL they are riduclous. These guys are only my friends and I trust them more than this fake chicks. They act like I’m dating all of them and I’m not, they are like brothers.
They are such hypocrites. I went on spring break with some other friends and I had fun and I got wasted. I told them and they were all scolding me saying that I shouldn’t drink and blah blah blah. I know how to control my alcohol. I know when to stop and I don’t think that often, most of the time I’m the one who has to babysit for my drunk friends. I told them, well you all drink too. More than me, one of them is a straight alcoholic, she was drunk at dinner one day and she had a hangover during breakfast and she got alcohol poisoning a year ago.
I’m so sick of them, the thing that sucks is that I have to work with them and see them everyday for the nest 2 semesters…They only want to be friends when it benefits them They suck, they act as if they are all open-minded, independant perfect,but they aren’t. Funny thing, they are all older than me.
Sorry for the novel, but I’m pissed.
The ring leader of this group is the biggest disappointment. She’s from Dominica,not the Dominican Republic, Dominica is a english speaking island in the Caribbean..My other friend and her were talking and my friends said that she was dating a guy who was Dominican/Jamaican. The ring leader told her that Jamaican people were all ugly, ghetto, and disgusting. She said Dominica people would neverr date Jamaicans. I’m Jamaican,Dominican, and Puerto Rican and she was so pressed to borrow my Jamaican flag and she was so pressed to eat my food.
Lataquaysha-One of my friends is an alcoholic and no one never says anything about. She is drunk a lot. But they never give her any lectures and speeches.Like I said I rarely get drunk, and I’m mostly the sober one so I can look after everyone. That time I got drunk, my real friends looked after me and I had fun and they don’t judge me for it. It’s nothing wrong with getting wasted every now and than. But I don’t do it everyday.
Best answer:
Answer by check
i didnt read it at all cause im too lazy but anyways yea alot of people are fake. its hard to find people you can trust.
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