Alcoholism: MP Says NDP Ready to Look Into Indian Act Overhaul

Alcoholism: MP says NDP ready to look into Indian Act overhaul
The federal NDP is ready to do an open up negotiations for complete overhaul on the Indian Act anytime that the Prime Minster is ready to begin, according to MP Nathan Cullen.
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Alcoholism: Jackson residents named to boards, commissions
JACKSON â?? Appointments to municipal boards and committees were made by the mayor and Township Council during the governing bodyâ??s July 5 reorganization meeting. read more
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Alcoholism: Wednesday wind-back: Party of Five
In a way, Party of Five is one of those shows that just came and went during the late 1990s, marketed to a specific demographic and with few notable achievements to its name – aside from winning the Best Drama gong at the 1996 Emmy awards, the show rated low and was in danger of cancellation after its first season.
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