How Do We Close the Door on 2007? Y!a Prison!?

Question by michele: How do we close the door on 2007? Y!A prison!?
Do you have any bad habits, unhealthy relationships, disturbing memories/events or other issues you would like to leave behind in 2007?

2007 has but a few hours remaining. Why not use the “prison” of this answer space to virtually imprison them rather than allowing them to imprison you this year?

Use the answer space below to name your “prisoners” (e.g., ex boyfriend, nail biting, alcoholism, overeating, laziness).

Feel free to bookmark this question and “visit” the prisoners you jail today whenever you feel that pull to grant them parole them back into your life.

Then close the Y!A “prison door” again, lock it up tight, and go on to experience the profound freedom which will result in the best year of your life.

Happy 2008,

Best answer:

Answer by V
good idea!!!

i want to make 2008 the best year as well

good luck to u

What do you think? Answer below!

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