Q&A: How Can I Stop My Friend From Drinking?

Question by ryandarkknight25: How can I stop my friend from drinking?
Ok one of my best friends, he is 17, not quite 18 yet. I how ever am 18 but let me explain my story. He’s been having a drinking problem a bit on and off for the past few years. He used to also smoke pot but he got past that and realized that was stupid. But we have been planning some stuff recently and all he keeps thinking about “will there be drinking?”, its like he is becoming addicted to alcohol and this problem has been long term, the past ones were short term. And I’m increasingly concerned about him the more he talks about this. Because I hear the earlier you become addicted, the likely hood that you will die prematurely increases drastically. He’s like one of my brothers and I don’t want him to be suffering but he acts like he is better off with alcohol than he was before. I need help, and yes I know what its like to be around alcoholics, my father was one, and an abusive one, and that may be one reason why I am doing this because I don’t want him to turn out like my dad!

Best answer:

Answer by lucky
You obviously cant stop him drinking short of tying up your friend, you could however try and persuade him in a number of ways. I realize that he probably doesn’t want to be lectured but you should make him aware of the health risks. Also you should try and think, why does he drink alcohol? Feeling insecure etc. can cause people to start drinking alcohol because they feel others can accept them more. Thats just another possibilty to think about. If something like that is the case try and show him that it is not the case. Gl.

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