I’m Sure I Will Look Really Bad, but Please Answer Anyway?

Question by K: I’m sure I will look really bad, but please answer anyway?
I already know I will be judged, referred to as a “homewrecker”, a “hoe”, etc. But you have to understand it’s not ALL my fault. I do take responsibility for my part in it, but please read.

Two years ago, when I was 17, I was lead on by a married man (age 27 at the time). He lead me on for 7 months. When I told him how I felt about him, he cut ties with me, blocked me on Facebook and his wife blocked me on Facebook as well, though me and her never met each other nor did she even know I existed before then. Basically, I was made out to look like the bad person, that I messed up.

For the past few months, I’ve been getting notifications on a Facebook game from my friend’s father. He sends me “drinks” and “winks” at me on the game. He sent the first of both actions and I send them back, but at one point, he sent a total of 23…all on his own. The other day, both me and his wife and his daughter (my friend) were around while he was playing this game. I guess it was the firs time his wife had ever been around whilst he was looking at the notifications and I acted like I didn’t hear him, but he said I send them to him so he just sends them back and I’m pretty sure he said I’m trying to turn him into an “alcoholic.” She didn’t seem mad or anything, but still.

My question is…why am I always made to look like the bad one? It’s partially my fault, but it’s partially theirs too.
Cory-What “important” facts are you speaking of?

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