Symptoms of Amnesia

Symptoms of Amnesia

Anterograde amnesia or short term memory loss is a predicament that may crop up either through brain injury or by certain drugs in which the individual is gravely enervated in learning new itemized information. Memories or events that happened preceeding that injury prevails unscathed but the events that occurred after that injury are lost. Anterograde amnesia is devastating to the person and his family. Person’s adroitness for judgment and intelligence are not hampered.

This period was a learning experience for him. When I asked him how old he was, he gave me the age he would’ve been ten years previously. There were many friends who visited that he didn’t recognize including some he had known for twenty plus years. He had no memory of the new home we had moved into, still thinking he lived where he had for many years prior. He also had no memory of the year or make of car that he drove instead telling me about one he had driven years before.

Childhood amnesia, which in several instances is called Infantile amnesia, is probably the most common type of amnesia – the failure to remember events from our childhoods. There is many popular theories as to why we have this loss of memory from our child; most recently it has been thought to be as a result of language development or under-developed parts of the brain.

Amnesia can be caused by either physical trauma or emotional trauma. Brain damage due to physical trauma such as a stroke, bleeding in the brain, long-term alcohol abuse and tumors that develop in parts of the brain that control memory are just some of the causes. If the physical trauma is related to a head injury, then the length of memory loss is often related to the severity of the injury. Psychogenic or dissociative amnesia is a result of emotional trauma.

symptoms of amnesia:

The primary symptom is memory loss. Some sufferers experience only partial loss of recall, while others are stricken with a complete erasure of memory. Secondary symptoms such as language-related issues, and inability to sense danger result from the patient’s lack of memory.

Similar to Alzheimer’s disease, amnesia progresses gradually, but can eventually lead to loss of identity and inability to live independently.

Brain and head injury trauma can result in a range of neuropsychological problems. Depending on the part of the brain affected and the severity of the injury, the result on any one individual can vary greatly. Personality changes, memory and judgement deficits, lack of impulse control and poor concentration are all common.

Of the different types of amnesia the one that most people are familiar with is called retrograde amnesia. This is where the person is unable to recall things from their past that occured before the amnesia started. The ability to form memories and recall things from the point of amnesia forward is not effected. This could be due to a head injury say from a car accident.

When an individuals has amnesia, they lose their memory for anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of months or more. Why the loss of memory? It could be because of brain injury or some type of psychological experience the individuals went through. There are also different types. You have anterograde, lacunar, korsakoff, retrograde and posthypnotic. When you have this fear, you are afraid of each and every type of amnesia.

The most of the cases of temporary loss of memory are provoked by emotional stress, rather than by damage inflicted to the brain. This certain type of temporary loss of memory is named posttraumatic transient amnesia. In the past, epilepsy has also been regarded as one of the factors that determine transient amnesia.

They were assigned some simple physical activities. These exercises show the rise of cognitive tasks in older adults with various injuries and cognitive memory loss. The process of keeping them in exercise went in for six months, within this time they showed a perpetual rise in their mental health.

Global amnesia is one of the most frequent types of memory loss. It is characterized by inability to recall things that are stored in the long-term memory. However, patients who suffer from amnesia do not present any problems related to the short-term memory. Furthermore, amnesiacs can remember semantic memories.

These all work the same way. They bind to the benzodiazepine 1 receptor in the brain. The side effect profile is also similar. It includes drowsiness, dizziness, amnesia, headache, and GI problems. The difference between drugs in this class is their duration of action and potency.