What Do You Do if Your Ob/gyn Doc Dismisses You as a Patient at 34 Weeks Pregnant?

Question by Diggle+3: What do you do if your ob/gyn doc dismisses you as a patient at 34 weeks pregnant?
Making a long story short, I’m type 1 diabetic and basically a freaking guinea pig to this doctor. I keep refusing things to be done to me, that are totally unnecessary (keep in mind, I have already been pregnant once before as a diabetic and my son came out perfectly healthy with no complications whatsoever and this is my second son and he’s doing excellent as well) and these tests they want to do this time around were NOT done with my first son and we are both perfectly fine.
Anyways, they want to do this new test on me – the “OCT” – it’s long name is the “Oxytocin Control Test” – where, starting at 34 weeks, every Friday I have to go into the labor & delivery ward at the hospital, be hooked up to an IV and given small amounts of pitocin to basically start labor, as they monitor my son’s heart rate and see if he is “under stress”…well of course he will be, with pitocin given to me as early as 34 weeks!! And they said a big risk of this proceedure is the possibility of going into labor prematuraly – where, right now, I am of no risk of a premature labor. Nor has my son exhibited any signs of distress this pregnancy AT ALL.
So, me and friend did some research and I am flat out refusing this terrible test. Risk factors include and are not limited to: premature labor, fetal distress, falso positive leading to an unneeded c-section, stillborth and uterine rupture.
There’s no way in hell I would EVER do something like that. However, I’m pretty positive they will dismiss me as a patient if I refuse something this big they want me to do. Soooo, my question is, what exactly happens if you are dismissed by a doctor at 34 weeks pregnant?
**I hope you see this bubblebobble – but what did they tell you about going into labor naturally as a type 1 diabetic? Did you ever hear anything of a risk about a stillbirth? How are your sugars doing? It’s REALLY REALLY nice to meet a type 1, exaclty the same part of pregnancy I am and hear of their experiences. Email me please!

Best answer:

Answer by Has3BeautifulAngels
Find a new OB and/or seek legal counsel if you stick with your current OB.

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